El Merchandising seeks the optimization of product handling by choosing the appropriate locations based on variables such as: place, quantity, time, shape, on the one hand, and shop windows, counters and shelves, and interior architecture, on the other; and the group of "magnet" products, "complementary" products, for premeditated and impulse purchases.

But if the placement of the product is important, no less important are the means to publicize its location, or what we would call PLV (advertising at the point of sale). POS is what will allow us to differentiate ourselves from competitors and what will make it easier for us to seduce the consumer towards our product at the moment they make their purchase choice. But the PLV is not limited only to exhibitors, stands or digital screens, but the management at the point of sale of the product itself can also function as an effective tool for advertising communication and, why not say it, to feel experiences.

The geographical location of the center must be taken into account when placing such advertising. The reason is simple, the way consumers think is different, so their perception of the message will also be different depending on the place and, in the same way, their way of acting will also be different. That is, the way to attract customers to our product will be different on each site. Of course, what we can never forget are those elements that differentiate our brand from the competition.

The same goes for the Merchandising. The truth is that this has no reason to be uniform over time, nor in all geographical areas, since there are moments and places in which this action can provide better results.

Merchandising as a marketing technique

There are many benefits that merchandising offers us from a strategic point of view. Among them are the following:

  • Changing the concept of "dispatching" products to "selling".
  • Reduction of purchase time.
  • Conversion of cold areas into places with life.
  • Promotion of product rotation.
  • Substitution of the "passive" presence by an "active" presence.
  • Making the most of the point of sale
  • Promotes "magnet products" at the point of sale (those that due to their peculiar characteristics are difficult to rotate, but we are interested in selling them).
  • Creation and coordination of adequate comprehensive communication at the point of sale.